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Who is this course for?

This training course is designed to give you an understanding of low, medium and high risk confined spaces and its associated legistation and requirements.

An example of a high risk confined space would be an environment where there is a significant risk of encountering a specified risk and/or has a complex egress route (such as multiple level changes and traversing significant distances from the entry point).


How long is the course?

The course is delivered over 3 concecutive days with a mixture of classroom sessions and practical skills that you will develop in our Immersive Learning Suite in realistic scenarios that will engage and challenge you.


Skills and knowlege gained

Although this is not an exhausive list some of the key skills and knowlege you will gain include:

  • Awarness of relevant legistaltion
  • classifications of a confined space
  • PPE and equipment such as tripods and winches
  • Emergency Breathing Apparatus (Escape sets)
  • Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
  • Use of gas detection equipment
  • Self rescue
  • Entry permits
  • Work Permits
  • Risk assessments and method statements
  • Working safely in confined spaces
  • Dealing with emergency situations


High Risk Confined Space

  • You are required to hold a Low and medium risk awarness qualification which is achieved on days one and two of the course.

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